Traditions of Imbolc, Bhride and Brigid
Dear Saint Brigid of the Kine Bless these little fields of mine, The pastures and the shady trees, Bless the butter and the cheese, Bless the cows with coats of silk And the brimming pails of milk, Bless the hedgerows, and I pray Bless the seed beneath the clay, Bless the hay and bless the grass, Bless the seasons as they pass, And heaven's blessings will prevail, Brigid - Mary of the Gael. I wrote this article 5 years ago, and thought I would update it for now. A collection of traditions … As Mardi Gras, Carnivale and Pancake Day consume the last of our milk and eggs we enter The Season Of Brigid, the Celtic goddess, and later a Celtic Christian saint, Brigid, Bridget, Brighid, Brighde, Bride and even the Vedic Sanskrit "Brihati" Sometimes known as the daughter of the Dagda of the Tuatha De`Dannan and Morrigan, A woman of wisdom, seership, poetry, healing, and smithcraft. Described as the patron of cloth dying, weaving and brewing. A goddess of regeneration and abundan...